Monday, January 23, 2012

WOD January 23, 2012 - Beast Mode ACTIVATE

5/3 Handstand Push-up or 20 Second Handstand Hold or 5 Damn Good Push-ups
10 Barbell Ground to Overhead (95/65)
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Double Under (120 Singles)
5 Rounds

G2O - 65 Pounds
Wall ball - 20 Pounds


Number of items broken: 1 Jump Rope

Yes, you read that right, broke a jump rope.  I've never seen a jump rope break during a workout or even break at all.  There I am, going at a good speed, and it snaps clean in half.  I was going so fast I didn't even notice until JP changed it.  Beast mode, activated.
G2O was done with 65 pounds.  Did them snatch style and go them up pretty fast.  Pretty proud of myself to be able to do that as I've never done it before.  Did two rounds of holding the handstand and then did three rounds of damn good push ups.  And I mean, damn good.
Finally, the two seconds came back to haunt me...again  I was shooting for sub 30 but the broken jump rope killed me.  I was so used to using the one jump rope that when it broke I didn't know how to function.  I couldn't get a rythmn going at all.  Lesson to take away is that you can't rely on one tool and you need to be able to function with multiple tools.  Other lesson to take your own jump rope and you are always able to function with what you know works.

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